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Core Slider

Core Slider

Core element

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id ipsum velit. Pellentesque faucibus magna arcu, et laoreet ligula lobortis eu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus

Ripple Button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id ipsum velit. Pellentesque faucibus magna arcu, et laoreet ligula lobortis eu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus

Ripple Button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id ipsum velit. Pellentesque faucibus magna arcu, et laoreet ligula lobortis eu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus

Ripple Button

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In id ipsum velit. Pellentesque faucibus magna arcu, et laoreet ligula lobortis eu. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus

Ripple Button
Anyside Button
Anyside Button
Anyside Button
Anyside Button
Anyside Button


Core Slider is based on a full integration of the powerful splidejs library. Its a nestable slider that contains "Slide Blocks". Each "Slide Block" has a "Content" element whose function is to wrap all the content of that slide. You can place everything you want inside the slide on this "Content" element.



Slide or Loop. Loop type makes the slider continue from the end to the first slide. Slide by default.

Auto Width

If true, the width of the slides are determined by their own width. False by default.

Per Move

Determines the number of slides to move at once. 1 by default.


The higher the speed number is the slower the slide movement. 400 by default.


It can be true, false or free. True by default.
True: slider can be draggable and each slide is placed in its correspondant slider when dragging.
False: slider can´t be draggable.
Free: slider can be draggable without placing each slide in its correspondant slider when dragging.


If true, dragging will place to the nearest slide. Drag must be free. False by default.


CSS easing (timing-function) of the slider transitions.



When the slider ends it returns to the beginning. Available only at Type: Slide. True by default.

Rewind speed

Determines the rewind movement speed. 400 by default.

Rewind by drag

Allows rewind when dragging. True by default.


Flick Power

The larger number this is, the farther the slider runs between slides. 600 by default.

Flick Max Pages

Limits the number of pages to move by the flick action. 3 by default.



Enables custom keyboard shortcuts. Can be true, false or global. True by default.


Enables navigation by the mouse wheel on hover. True by default.

Wheel Sleep

The sleep duration in milliseconds until accepting next wheel. 0 by default.

Release Wheel

Determines whether to release the wheel event when the slider reaches the first or last slide so that the user can scroll the page continuously. False by default. Available only with Rewind: false.



Spacing gap between slides. 10px by default.

Starting Slide

The slide where the slider should start. 0 by default.

Per Page

Determines the number of slides to display in the slider. 1 by default. Auto Width must be set to false.

Per Move

Determines the number of slides to move at once. 1 by default.

Per Page Breakpoints

Lets you set the number of slides to display per each customizable breakpoint.



If false, arrows won´t be included at the slider. True by default.


Determines the size of the arrows. 1 by default.

Previous Arrow & Next Arrow Styling

You are able to customize the icon, display, margin, color and background styling of each arrow.



If false, pagination won´t be included at the slider. True by default.

Active dot color & Inactive dot color

Sets the color of the dot pagination.


You are able to justify the position of the pagination at the slider.


Pagination margin.



If false, slider won´t autoplay. False by default.

Omit End

If the ending slides are already in viewport, they will be omitted. False by default


Autoplay interval duration between slides. 1500 by default.

Pause on hover

Wether to pause autoplay on hover or not. False by default.

Lazy Load

False: disables lazy loading.
Nearby: Starts loading only images around the active slide page.
Sequential: Loads images sequentially.
False by default.

Navigation direction

The direction of the autoplay. It can be ltr (Left to Right) or rtl (Right to Left). ltr by default.
*NOTE: navigation direction can also change navigation direction of Autoscroll.


If true, each slide has its own pagination dot. False by default.



If false, slider won´t autoscroll. False by default. If slider is set to loop then it will result in a marquee effect.


If true, autoscroll will play on window load. False by default.

Autoscroll speed

The higher the speed is the higher the autoscroll runs. 2 by default.

Pause on hover

Wether to pause autoplay on hover or not. False by default.


If true, autoscroll will rewind to the beginning of the slider when it reaches the end. False by default. Slider must be of type slide 

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