Brickscore / Elements / 
Layer Button

Layer Button

Button element
Layer Button


Layer Settings

Layer Button is divided in 5 layers: original layer and four extra layers.

Link to

Add a link to the button.


You are able to customize the typography, background, border and padding button styles.


Layer default z-index. Each layer decreases by -1 by default.

3D Translate to

The 3D distance the layer will move to when hover. 0px for original layer and 0px by default for the extras.

Color & Background on hover

Determines the layer typography color and background when hover.

Transition duration

3D Translate to, Color and Background transition durations on hover. 0.3s by default.

zIndex on hover

z-index that will be applied to the layer on hover. Each layer decreases by -1 by default.

First, Second, Third & Fourth Layers

Apart from the settings above, the extra layers have additional aprameters.

Remove layer

If true, the layer will be destroyed. false by default.

Width & Height

A 100% at width and height will adapt the extra layers dimensions to the original layer dimensions. 100% by default.


You have the possibility to add text to the extra layers. blank by default.

3D Translate from

Determines the starting point of the layer regarding the original layer. Each layer increases by 6px by default.

Text elementsButton elementsMenu elementsCore elementsFeatures
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